A family history of diabetes doesn’t mean you are destined to develop it
Preventing pre-diabetes, and ultimately diabetes, requires knowledge and a strong discipline to do what is necessary for optimum health. Knowing the facts and taking action can mean the difference between a life of dependency or the freedom to enjoy a healthy life.
Can you imagine being hooked up to a dialysis machine three times per week – for four hours at a time – so you can eliminate waste and unwanted water from your blood? This is what normal functioning kidneys do.
They perform the elimination process naturally but for many diabetics failed kidney function will cause a build-up of waste in their blood resulting in coma and even death. They have to do dialysis for the rest of their lives if they want have any quality of life.
Wouldn’t it better to take the needed steps now to avoid dialysis or wearing glasses that require strong prescription lenses. I am here to tell you that you can . . . even with a family history of the diabetes.
A diagnosis of pre-diabetes is a warning signal from your body that you are heading toward the danger zone as far as your health is concerned. It’s like your car telling you to ‘service engine soon’. If you ignore it the problem will only get worse and will eventually lead to major issues later.
Pre-diabetes signals
Ignoring the signals your body is sending you could mean facing amputations, blindness, poor heart health, loss of kidney functions and worse.
One such signal is your A1c count. This is a test that measures your average blood sugar count over a period of two(2) to three(3) months. Normal A1c is below 5.7 % of your blood content. If your A1c levels increases to between 5.7% to 6.4% your are now considered pre-diabetic and anything above 6.4% would indicate full blown diabetes.
Other signals include:-
- Frequent urination – we pee on average 7 – 8 times per day depending on the amount of liquid we take in. If you notice that you are going more than normal for an extended period – days or weeks- speak to your doctor.
- Being overly thirsty
- Sudden loss of weight
- Blurry vision
- Excessive tiredness
- Tingling in hands and feet
My sister was heading towards being a full diabetic because she was diagnosed as pre-diabetic and had to take medication to keep her sugar level in the normal range. She decided to take charge of her health by starting an exercise program which included walking three miles . . . five days per week.
She also became discipline about her diet by using what I call the think and eat strategy. Before she eats anything she assesses whether it will lead to a healthy outcome or a life of dependency.
Her sugar level has returned to normal and she now has control of the condition. Even if she backslides once in a while it’s not a big deal because of her knowledge and discipline.
If you have a family history of diabetes, or are over-weight or obese, it’s important to have a regular physical exam by your primary care team. They can determine whether you are becoming pre-diabetic based on your A1c test . . . in addition to other test or determinants.
You can prevent pre-diabetes by putting the odds in your favor. Learn the fact about this disease and what you can do to avoid it. I did this by starting an exercise program that includes regular cardiovascular workout combined with resistance and flexibility exercises.
I also fixed diet by eating natural whole foods such as wild caught fish and free ranging chicken. In addition, I now include good fats – avocado, natural butter, nuts and eggs – in my daily meals.
There are several other things you can do to avoid pre-diabetes. I urge you to take charge now. Visit How to Prevent Pre-diabetes where you will find more information.