
Who Am I and why I care

The world is currently experiencing an epidemic in obesity. And as you are all aware, obesity is a direct cause of a multitude of diseases. Among them are diabetes, heart disease and cancer, to name a few.

In addition to a natural diet, exercise is the best thing anyone can do to improve his or her health. This is especially true for diabetics.

As a personal trainer, it is my goal to get you committed to improving your health through exercise. I do this by setting up personalized training programs targeting the entire body. I don’t believe in just training one part of the body and neglecting others. It should be a total body experience . . .

I also enjoy sharing my training philosophies and experiences. Even more than this however, it gives me great pleasure to see someone transforming their body and, ultimately their lives.

With my knowledge and experience in fitness, I will guide you through the many land mines of bad diets and poor training habits. It is my goal to motivate and inspire as many people as possible to become committed to a healthy life style.

I believe that exercise should become a part of everyone’s daily routine. Just as you try to eat a healthy diet and get a good night sleep, so too should exercise be an achievable daily activity.

Exercise includes not just running on a treadmill or riding a bicycle but encompasses a wide variety of resistance training routines. This is especially important for diabetics.

I have dedicated myself to the fitness field through many years of on the job training. In addition to the practical side of exercising, I have spent many hours in classroom settings learning the technical side of physical fitness. I am also affiliated with other professional trainers who have many years of experience. I hope to share mine and their experiences with as many people as possible.

My experience with diabetes

Although I do not have diabetes, I lost my dear mother to this dreaded disease. I’m also currently witnessing the devastating effects it is having on members of my immediate family. My most recent blood glucose readings was in the normal range and I attribute this to my relentless efforts to eat right and remain active.

I take a proactive approach to fighting this disease. I do this by informing as many family members and friends of the multitude of benefits derived from following an organized exercise program. However, I don’t just talk about it, I live the life style. I believe in leading by example.

I very much enjoy training a varied client base. Whether my clients are experienced exercisers or they are complete novices, I will design a program suitable for their needs. My program includes fat loss, weight gain and body sculpting. I offer easy to learn routines in a friendly and non-intimidating environment.

Thank you for visiting this About Us page.  I am continually updating this site, so I encourage you to come back often.

For information on how to prevent diabetic complications please visit us here.

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To your best health,

Owen Lecky


The Diabetes Messenger


2 thoughts on “About”

  1. Pingback: Calculate your heart rate for better performance | How to prevent pre-diabetes

  2. re so rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber & anti-oxidants
    that you really can. You are not on your own on this ‘ there are thousands of people caught in the yo-yo diet trap of struggling
    to lose weight only to put the fat right back on the moment they stop dieting.
    Set yourself an eating regimen for each day and adhere to it.

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