You might think your fitness routine is flawless — you take the time to get to the gym for an hour a day, five days a week, and you feel like at this point, you should be making major gains. Even with your busy schedule of work, family, and friends, you’re still making the effort to hop onto that treadmill or elliptical whenever you can, but when you look in the mirror and jump on the scale, nothing seems to have changed. If you’re wondering why it seems like no matter what you do your workouts don’t seem to be changing your physique, it’s time to take a closer look at your exercise routine and lifestyle. Exercise has amazing benefits for your mind as well as your body, and it certainly takes time to get the results you’re looking for, but you also need to make sure that your fitness plan is catered to you and your needs — what’s working for the girl on the treadmill next to you is not necessarily what’s best for yourself. It’s time to take a look at the top seven reasons as to why your workouts don’t seem to be making a difference.
1. You’re not bringing the intensity
If you spend the entirety of your day sitting in an office, and then when you hit the gym, you hop on the elliptical for an hour and leave, then your lax workout routine might be to blame. While this sort of low-intensity training is fine if you’re just beginning a routine, you should work to increase the intensity as you become more comfortable. The elliptical is an excellent training tool if you’re looking for a cardio workout that’s low-impact, but try doing intervals of high speeds with high resistance for one minute followed by 30 seconds of recovery to get your blood pumping. If you can read a book or have an easy conversation with your friend next to you, you’re probably not working hard enough.
2. You’re not lifting weights
Lifting weight is key to seeing results
You might feel great after a long run on the treadmill, but if you’re skipping out on strength training, you’re not going to get the results you’re looking for. According to Livestrong, strength training is a vital component to revving your metabolism so that you can burn more calories throughout the day, and you’ll also increase your strength and improve your balance and coordination. Most people think it’s the hour of cardio that’ll get them in perfect health, but it’s actually lifting weights that’s going to give you serious results. Always incorporate some strength training in with your cardio to maximize your workout.
3. You’re spot-targeting for fat loss
Man measuring his waist |
If you’re doing 100 crunches every hour, and you’re still wondering why you can’t see those rock-hard abs peeking through your stomach, then you might be tempted to give up your workout routine entirely. Though it’s important to target specific muscle groups during strength training so that you can build strength in your core, arms, and legs, you won’t necessarily see these muscles form unless you reduce your body fat percentage altogether, explains Buzzfeed. If you have extra body fat around your midsection, those crunches are still strengthening your abs and doing great things for your core muscles, you just won’t be able to tell until weight loss occurs. It’s imperative to incorporate cardio, all-over strength training, and diet to see a reduction in body fat before you can see those hard-earned muscles. Don’t try to reduce weight in one area and ignore the rest of your body — aim to strengthen and tone in all areas, and you’ll see results.
4. You’re not changing your routine
Our bodies are incredible at adapting to the workload we put on them, and what may have seemed like a tough workout last month may feel incredibly easy for you this month for that reason. If you started to see a difference in your physique when you first started your routine and now you haven’t seen any changes in awhile, this could be because you haven’t changed your routine. It may be tempting to go to the gym and fall into the same pattern each day, but if you find that you’re losing enthusiasm for your workout out of boredom, or your results have halted altogether, it’s time to change it up a bit.
A Workout Routine explains that changing up your routine each day is unnecessary, but once you’ve stopped seeing results from your current workload, it’s important to change it up and create new challenges for your body. Try increasing your reps, increasing your weights, or trying new moves to target those muscles in a different way.
5. You’re working out too much
Exhausted man lying on the ground after a brutal CrossFit workout |
If you get excited about hitting the gym, trying out a new routine, and exercising certain muscle groups for over an hour each day, every day, with no time to rest, then stop right here — it may feel unnatural to condemn hard work, but you could be sabotaging your own results. According to Chris Kesser, overtraining can seriously put your health in peril, as it can push your body’s stress limits too far and cause damage. Exercising very intensely and not giving yourself a rest day or two can also lead to hypothyroidism, which can cause depression, weight gain, and digestive disorders. You might think it’s great for your body to be getting all of that exercise, but lower the intensity on your rest days — opt for a light walk instead of the heavy weights, and you’ll get back to seeing results from your workouts.
6. You’re not getting enough sleep
Asian man in a deep exhausted sleep
You could have the most perfect workout routine out of every person that’s in the gym with you, but if you’re not well rested, you won’t be able to put your best foot forward with your workouts, and your results will also suffer. It may seem like your workouts aren’t working when you haven’t slept because you aren’t able to put your maximum effort into your exercise routine — and, when you get home from the gym, you’re more likely to plop down on the couch for the rest of the evening instead of staying lightly active, which can also halt your progress. The Division of Sleep Medicine at Harvard Medical School explains that sleep deprivation is also associated with weight gain, as sleep helps regulate the metabolism and control your appetite. To up your intensity at the gym and help your body get into the best shape possible, make sure you’re getting at least seven to eight hours of sleep a night.
7. You’re not properly fueling your body
Fried foods are not sufficient fuel |
Sugary sports drinks and protein bars might seem like the perfect snacks to help you feel energized and gain muscle, but in reality, you need to nourish your body with whole grains, fruits, and vegetables to fuel your body for your workouts. The San Francisco Chronicle explains that whether you’re trying to make strides in your cardio endurance, strength, or flexibility, your muscles are relying on the nutrients in food to fuel them. You need to be eating the proper foods before your workout begins and after your workout ends to ensure that you’re going to get the most out of your exercise. When you start eating right in conjunction with your exercise, your body will look and feel better than it ever has.
Make sure to get protein after your workout has ended for the repair and building of muscle tissue, and eat carbs before your workout begins for quick energy. And don’t forget the importance of staying hydrated, as this can also impact your workout greatly.
P.S. The only thing I would add to the above article is that we must do a flexibility routine to keep our joints and tendons lose. If your body is tense and inflexible . . . it’s a sure path to injuries which will delay any progress you are making.